
Service Quality Management Practices for Customer Satisfaction in Islamic Banks of Bangladesh

Authors: Mohammad Niaz Morshed

25 August 2021 / Accepted: 15 September 2021 / Published online: 30 November 2021


This study has taken the initiative for identifying the underlying factors that would facilitate Islamic banks in satisfying their customers better. The objective was to investigate the effects of SERVQUAL model on customer satisfaction among the Islamic banks in Bangladesh. A self-administered structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 211 customers of five major Islamic banks in Bangladesh using convenience sampling technique. The collected data were later analyzed through exploratory factor analysis. Structural equation modelling technique was performed to verify the model of the study and testing the hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed that reliability, tangibility and responsiveness were significant factors for customer satisfaction whereas assurance and empathy were found insignificant . This research opens the door for future researchers to contribute to this area of research through employing a larger sample and extending the current model through the incorporation of new variables. The study will be a meaningful addition to the literature of service quality and customer satisfaction, particularly in the setting of Islamic banks in Bangladesh.

Keywords: SERVQUAL model, Customer satisfaction, Islamic banks, Bangladesh


The Influence of Philosophy in the Establishment of Islamic Art

Authors: Salauddin Bashar, Muhammad Faizul Haque

 21 August 2021 / Accepted: : 15 September 2021 / Published online: 30 November 2021


Visual arts created by culturally Islamic people from the seventh century onwards are referred to as Islamic art. Islamic art has taken a way of unveiling the interior of the art and its cultural, conceptual, and social messages since its creation and separation from traditional art. This study aims to examine art from an Islamic viewpoint to gain a thorough understanding of Islamic art, its styles, and values. The key goals were to find out what factors influence the establishment of Islamic art and to comprehend the importance of art in Islamic culture. A thematic analysis based on literature was used as the methodology. According to previous scholars, Islamic art represents spiritual harmony, and appreciation of beauty was of great significance in art. The suggestion was drawn that art and what constitutes art are strongly influenced by the history and values of particular communities or religious affiliations. Islamic thinkers take a bold new approach to Islamic art, believing human to be the most divine being formed by Allah (swt).

Keywords: Islamic art, Philosophy, Influence, Divine unity, Beauty


Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance: An Empirical Literature Review

Authors: Sonia Boukattaya, Zyed Achour, Zeineb Hlioui

16 August 2021 / Accepted: : 11 September 2021 / Published online: Published online: 30 November 2021


This study aims to present a literature review of recent studies on the relationship between environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate financial performance (CFP) and to provide a path for future researches. Using content analysis method, a total of 88 papers published in renowned journals, over the period 2015-2021, were selected in the review. Several findings have been made: first, the majority of researches have focused on the CSR’s “social impact” hypothesis on CFP; the reverse relationship seems to have been overlooked. Second, the contested results are likely to be attributable both to differences in research contexts and CSR’ laws but also to biases relating to the operationalization of CSR concept and CFP proxies retained. Finally, several arguments are advanced arguing for an indirect link between CSR and CFP. Future research should, therefore, pay attention to the different contingent variables that are likely to affect the studied relationship.

Keywords: Literature review, Corporate social responsibility, ESG performance, Firm performance, Firm value